Unlocking True Potential With High Quality Education

The Willows School is a DfE registered, independent, specialist day school in Rishton, near Blackburn, Lancashire. Our school provides high quality education for all children, aged 5 to 16 years.

A Warm Welcome from our Headteacher

Rebecca Warhurst - Head Teacher at The Willows SchoolIt gives me great pleasure to welcome you to The Willows School. The Willows School is a DfE registered, independent, specialist day school in Rishton, near Blackburn, Lancashire. Our school provides high quality education for pupils aged 5 to 16 years. Pupils have a range of needs, including social, emotional, and mental health, autism, cognition and learning and communication difficulties. The Willows School is committed to developing pupils as individuals, enabling them to achieve their full potential.

School Vision

Our aim is for pupils to develop a love of learning, and our school motto reflects this. Our motto, “Dream, Believe, Achieve” promotes thinking about what might be possible; realising that it can be possible and then making it happen.

At all Key Stages, our curriculum is structured to help pupils to secure success: academically, personally, and developmentally, and in life beyond school.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to visit our truly exceptional school.

Rebecca Warhurst, Head Teacher

Download Our Prospectus

Dream – Believe – Achieve

Download the Willows School prospectus

New Beginnings

“Ultimately, choosing the right school for a child will be a life changing decision. Ensuring it is a good decision is critical. We know that parents and carers want a high standard of education for their child to make good progress, in an environment where they can be happy and safe.

Prosperity Children’s Services are well known for supporting children and young people, with a range of needs and difficulties to be cared for and well supported in a range of different settings. We embrace our duty to support children to engage in education. Sourcing suitable schools or learning provision has been a huge challenge for us and for local authorities.

Our response was to set up new services to provide outreach and home tuition meaning that individuals can access relevant learning when they are not able to attend school. This has been successful and welcomed by local authorities, yet we know this never going to replace full-time education. It was an obvious decision and natural next step for us to open our first school.”

– Edward Smethhurst, Chief Executive Officer
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School Vision, Ethos and Values

The Willows School is committed to developing pupils as individuals, enabling them to achieve their full potential.

Our School Vision

Our aim is for pupils to develop a love of learning, and our school motto reflects this, having been inspired by other inspirational professionals who share mutual aims in respect of education. Our motto, “Dream, Believe, Achieve” promotes thinking about what might be possible; realising that it can be possible and then making it happen.

At all Key Stages, our curriculum is structured to help pupils to secure success:

  • academically,

  • personally, and developmentally, and

  • in life at the school

Our School Vision

Our aim is for pupils to develop a love of learning, and our school motto reflects this, having been inspired by other inspirational professionals who share mutual aims in respect of education. Our motto, “Dream, Believe, Achieve” promotes thinking about what might be possible; realising that it can be possible and then making it happen.

At all Key Stages, our curriculum is structured to help pupils to secure success:

  • academically,

  • personally, and developmentally, and

  • in life at the school